Phil Swinfen

14 December 2018

Phil has 20 years’ experience in the mining industry. A geologist by training, he started his career in 1998 working in diamond exploration in South Africa. Subsequently, Phil worked as an exploration and mining geologist for Anglo American over a wide range of commodities and projects worldwide. Since 2006, Phil has worked as a mining analyst for a variety of London stockbroking firms and investment banks, being a member of the No.1 ranked mining team at Numis Securities. In 2016 he founded his own firm, Mineview Consulting, which advises a variety of clients including brokers, banks, investment institutions and mining companies. He holds a BSc (Hons) in Exploration Geology (First Class) from the University of Wales, Cardiff and an MSc in Mineral Project Appraisal (Distinction) from The Royal School of Mines, Imperial College London. Phil is a member of the Society of Economic Geologists.

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